Season 1

Role – Lead Designer
Social Campaign

Spending 15 years in prison hasn't changed Tray, but everything else certainly seems to change. After being released for good conduct, he returns to his newly wealthy Brooklyn neighborhood and is shocked to discover how different the world is.

Task: Create an all-encompassing 360 digital marketing strategy to promote the premiere of The Last OG, boosting engagement and generating excitement for the season launch and upcoming episodes.

Tactic: Utilized creative marketing shoot concepts and behind-the-scenes content from Season 1 to power the campaign. Maintained a distinctive tone and voice that connected with the community through nostalgic, culturally relevant assets. These were crafted to celebrate the world Tray once knew, keeping fans engaged across TBS’s social platforms.

Results: The Last O.G. achieved outstanding results, generating over 200k impressions and gaining a following of over 100k cross-platform. The show recieved a Shorty Award Nominee for “Best Use of Social Media for Television”.

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